All original ABBA and ABBA solo releases, are listed here, by year of release, the order of release within each year is approximate. Albums are listed by country of orgin, unless they were released widely throughout the world. The most recent available format of release (LP or CD) is what is listed and is what has been reviewed. Singles are listed only if they include non album tracks. Multi-artist collections are usually not listed unless they include tracks not available elsewhere. Bootleg lp's or CD's are not included in this listing. Related artists are included when it is deemed relevant or convenient to do so..
Hootenanny Singers-Skilling Tryck Mid 1970
This album has a very casual
but attractive picture of Björn, Hansi and Totta
on the cover. the title very loosely translates to "Printed
Pamplet which costs one Skilling to buy" which is an
arcane reference to old folk sheet music. Both Benny and Micke
Tretow worked on this album. This was the Hootz 10th studio album
and the last Hootz album produced by Bengt Bernhag who died in
I Fjöl Så Gick Jag Herrarna
Med I Hagen
Rose Marie
En Visa Vill Jag Sjunga Som Handlar Om Min Lilla Vän
Elin Och Herremannen
Hej Dunkom Så Länge Vi Levo
Jungfrun Och Sjömannen
Ack, Göta Konungrike
I Fjöl Så Gick Jag Herrarna Med I Hagen
Svenne Hedlund-Svenne Sings Elvis 1970 Swedish Lp Out of Print
A Lp reisssue of Svenne's 1967 solo album. Benny did do concert dates with Svenne and lotta during the early 1970's....The Orioles were quite good in the early 1970's..The Brady Bunch was on the early 1970's....
The Hep Stars -Hep Stars Again 1970 Swedish Lp out of print
Benny Andersson ,Svenne& Lotta had left the Hep Stars in 1969. The rest of band continued even though they not graced with lots of talent.. The idea at this point was go back to a more rock and roll direction. Still they recorded stuff like "Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head".
And so The Hep Stars now recorded and perforned without Benny and Svenne& Lotta...Sort of the like the Doors continuing without Jim Morrison, .The remaining Hep stars-Janne, Christer, and Lelle brought in a new boy /girl singing duo-Kookie and Josphine Tian...But they were not overly successful...
Agnetha Fältskog-Som Jag Ar October 1970 Swedish lp
The title translates as "As I Am"and was used as the title of Aggie's autobiography in the 1990's.The cover features a haunting shot of Agnetha standing in a field covered with leaves.
SOM JAG AR featured Björn Ulvaeus' involvement, he and Aggie had only recently been going together , and would marry in July 1971. Björn coproduced SOM JAG AR with Little Gerhard and sings on a duet with Aggie here-"Sa Har Borjar Karlek"- ("That's how love begins" ). You can see why Aggie & Björn didn't do more love duets -"That's how Love Begins' is pretty darned nauseating, or maybe they just couldn 't stand each other after all!
Among the better songs here are "Jag Saka Gor Allt" a song written by Aggie and "En Sang och En Sanga'" a Paul Mauriat song that gets interesting about half way through.This album also features "Som Ett Eko" (Like an Echo).
The hit here was Agnetha's song " Om Tarar Vore Guld "( '"If Tears Were Gold"). Agnetha got sued for plagiarizing over "If Tears Were Gold"- but only paid a tiny settlement. Trivia experts would be interested to know that future ABBA guitarist Janne Schaffer played on this record...
This album was released for first time on CD in 2004 as part of the box set-De Första Åren - Agnetha Fältskog 1967-1979/
Track listing:
Som ett eko
När jag var fem
En sång och en saga
Tänk va' skönt
Ta det bara med ro
Om tårar vore guld
Hjärtats saga
Spela vår sång
Så här börjar kärlek
Du ska minnas mig
Jag skall göra allt
Sov gott min lilla vän
Björn Ulvaeus & Benny Andersson - Lycka -November 1970 Released on Swedish Cd 1991 , Reissued on CD in 2006 with bonus tracks
The reissue of this CD in 2006 included
all of the relevant released tracks.. In
some ways this is the birth of ABBA.This album features the first
track to have
all future members of ABBA on it and this is the very first album
to have all the music written by Björn and Benny. Björn
and Benny wrote the music to all of the songs and some of the
lyrics. The whole album is sung in Swedish . Björn doing
most of the lead vocals, with Benny providing some backing vocals.
The original album featured eleven songs. The title translates
into Happiness. This album was released in the fall of 1970 on
Polar Records. As a whole, this album features some of Björn's
best work.
Acoustic and Electric Guitar feature more prominently here than they would on ABBA records. The electric guitar ,in particular, dominates on "Kalles Visa, "Nagonting Ar Pa Vag".This album is a bit more serious in tone than some of the later B&B songs and early ABBA songs that would follow in the early and mid-Seventies. None of the songs here (even in translation) have a bubble gum lyrics or sound.
"Hej Gamle Man" (Hello Old Man) was released as the single from this album and proved to be successful, though the album was not overly successful. "Hej Gamle Man" features Agnetha and Frida on backing vocals. It was the first song to feature all four members of ABBA. "Hej Gamle Man" actually shows up on the ABBA box set -THANK YOU FOR YOU THE MUSIC. Benny actually sings one of the songs here-"Kara Gamla Sol", but's it's hard to tell it's Benny.
My favorite song on this album is the great acoustic guitar workout "Liselotte " (it features lyrics by Agnetha and Björn). I also love the anthemic "Ge Oss En Chans"(Give Us A Chance) . "Ge Oss En Chans "has some soulful singing and some great organ. A nice little touch can be found at the beginning of "Lilla Du, Lilla Van' which starts with Benny's piano sneaking in at a low volume.
The stark brown cover is telling. It's clear that their is seriousness of purpose and intent in these two young man. Benny's (age 23) trademark beard puts in it's first appearence on a album cover (Benny (never had a beard on the Hep Stars album covers). Björn (then age 25) looks a little smug but the trademark smile is there. The Swedish flag on the Guitar seems to say ,"We represent Sweden to the world".
The later Lp pressings and the Cd versions of LYCKA include a 1971 A -side that wasn't on the original album. That A-side "Tank Om Jorden Vore Ung' features Agnetha and Frida on backing vocals and like a few of the B&B songs has a ever-so slight country twinge to it.The LYCKA album was recorded at Metronome in the Summer of 1970 .
LYCKA was produced by Björn and Benny with Bengt Bernhag and engineered by Michael B.Tretow. Benny and Björn played on the tracks with two Swiss musicians, drummer John Counz -drums and bassist -Gus Horn. S.O.Walldoff was responsible for the orchestral arrangments.
Agnetha and Frida had joined up with Björn and Benny to change the group from a duo to a quartet.before a planned followup B&B album was anywhere near completion. Björn and Benny continued to release singles through till 1972.Agnetha and Frida had joined up with Björn and Benny to change the group from a duo to a quartet soon to be named ABBA.
The reissue of this CD in 2006 included all of the tracks that Bjorn and Benny commericially released as a duo...
The LYCKA album track lineup with songwriters listed (AU means Andersson-Ulvaeus)
Lykca (A-U-Anderson)
Nånting är på väg(A-U)
Kära gamla sol(A-U-Anderson)
Det där med kärlek(A-U-Himmelstrand)
Valkommen in i gänget(A-U- Himmelstand)
Lilla Du, Lila Lila van (A-U-Fugelstad)
Hej Gamle Man !(A-U)
Liselott (A-U-Faltskog)
Kalles Visa (A-U-Himmelstrand)
Ge Oss En Chans (A-U)
Livet går sin gång(A-U)
Bonus tracks on 2006 CD
12. She's My Kind Of Girl
13. Inga Theme
14. Det kan ingen doktor hjälpa
15. På bröllop
16. Tänk om jorden vore ung *
17. Träskofolket
18. En karusell
19. Att finnas till
20. Hey, Musikant
21. Was die Liebe sagt (German track)
22. Love Has Its Ways
23. Rock'n Roll Band
24. Merry-Go-Round
25. To Live With You (previously unreleased)
*track added to later printings of Lp, earlier pressing of CD
Björn and Benny's singles from 1969-1972 (and the CD's where they could first be found- prior to the LYCKA Reissue) @ indicates Anna & Frida sang on the record) Björn and Benny released
a number of Agnetha and Frida sang on many of these songs which makes them prime ABBA collectibles. Agnetha and Frida sing on "Hej Gamle Man","Tank Om Jorden Vore Ung", "Pa Brollop", " Det Kan Ingen Docktor Hlapa" , "En Karusell " , "Merry Go Round". and "Ah Vilka tider" |
Many of the songs can found on Cd! .En Karusell (the Swedish version of Merry Go Round"),
" Att Finnas Till" and "Ah Vilka Tider" were
reissued on For some reason, many of B&B's
songs "Pa Brollop" and
"Traskofolket" are greatpseudo- Swedish folks songs
that shouldcertainly have been rereleased. |
1970 She's My kind of Girl ( RING RING/ These Two songs were recorded for the movie, Seduction of Inga,in late 1969. "She's My Kind of a Girl " is a pleasant bouncy track if a bit stupid lyrically. The "Inga Theme" features chanting and humming and some interesting if not very coherent bits of melody. "She's My kind of Girl" rather strangely became a big Japanese hit in 1972. "She's My Kind of Girl" also appears on some versions of the "RingRing" album even though it was recorded in 1969. |
1971@Det Kan Ingen doctor Hlapa
/NA. This is one of the most obscure of B&B's singles-since neither side has been released on Lp or CD. The b-side "Pa Brollop "(at the wedding) is probably the more enjoyable record. |
1970@Hej Gamle Man / LYCKA Two tracks chosen from the Lycka album - "Hej Gamle Man" was a hit in Sweden. |
1971Tank Om Jorden Ung Vore Ung
LYCKA/ The later Lp pressings and the Cd versions of LYCKA include a 1971 A -side that wasn't on the original album. That A-side "Tank Om Jorden Vore Ung'features Agnetha and Frida on backing vocals and like a few of the B&B records has a ever-so slight country twinge to it. "Traskofolket" is a folksky song inspired by Vilhem Moberg's "The Emigrants" and a song about the Wooden clogged people of those books. |
1970 @Hey Musikant (German Hej
Gamle)NA German translations of two songs from the Lycka album. |
1972@En Karusell (swed-Merry Go
Round) PA SVENSKA / The Swedish version of "Merry Go Round" was actually released as a single,the b-side was the country balladish sounding"Att Finnas Till".Neither song was released on album till the 1990's.For some reason even the English version of "Merry Go Round" was not compiled on the RING RING album until the recent 2001 remastering. |
1971 In 1971 Frida's first two solo albums were released and B&B and Agnetha contined to record. Agnetha and Bjorn got married in July. Frida-Frida 1971 Out of print Swedish LP Frida's Singles 1971-1980 Lena Andersson -Lena 1971 Out of print Swedish Lp Lill-Babs- "Valkommen Till Varlden /Ra-Ta-Ta 1971 single 45 Agnetha Fältskog- Nar En Vackar Tanke Blir En Sang 1971 Swedish Lp Frida - Nu Vissla I Ett Slag (Whistle While You Work) Swedish Extended play disc of Disney music 1971 Hootenanny Singers Vara Vackraste Visor 1971 Available on Swedish Cd Hep Stars -Californa Maiden 1971 Swedish Lp. Frida- ANNI-FRID LYNGSTAD 1971 or 1972 Out of print Swedish LP. |
/Frida-Frida March 1971 Out of print Swedish LP
This was Frida's very first
album it came out in March after almost four years of unsuccessful
single releases Why she didn't lose
her record contract we can only speculate on-though Ollie Bergman
of EMI is quoted as saying "we really liked her".
Yes, somebody at her Swedish label ,EMI, must have realized that
is not a more stately pop singer in Sweden .
However, this album proved
to be no more sucessful than her singles..
Frida recorded 13 songs with
Producer/boyfriend/future ABBA member,
Benny Andersson between September 1970 and Jan. 1971. The tracks
were engineered by Björn Noren and featured arrangments by
Bengt Palmers and Claes Rosendahl, Eleven of the songs appeared
on this album. (the two other tracks were left unreleased). This
is a restrained, tasteful album that ranges through jazz, folk
, and pop but doesn't really touch on rock n roll. The songs on
this album are certainly a bit better than what is on Frida's
eight singles that preceded this album but the songs here also
are less energetic than those singles.
The leadoff track "Tre Kvart Nu" sets the stage for the album-it's a tune by pianist Arthur Rubenstein set to Swedish lyrics by Benny's friend Peter Himmelstrand . "Tre Kvart Nu" translates to "Three Quarters (of a Hour) From Now".Frida does a good version of the title track from B&B's LYCKA album but actually I think the B&B version is a bit more emotional. Frida does a fine job with a Swedish version of Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne".
All the songs here are in Swedish . Every Frida solo record up to 1982 would be sung in Swedish. All the later pressings of this album would include' "Min Egan Stad" (My Home Town) ,which is a Swedish version of one of Benny's English language Hep Stars songs called originally" It's Nice To Be Back Again". Frida's version is bright, punctuated by Benny's piano it's almost a preview of a ABBA record . "Min Egan Stad" include Mike Watson on Bass and Roger Palm on Drums.. Recorded in July 71 it would be Frida's first big Swedish hit (it made it to #1).
Thie original version of this album has a relatively unattractive picture of Frida with her hair styled in a horrible short perm. The original album has a gatefold cover with some interesting pictures on the inner gatefold.
A later different version of this album (the one I have) is called EMI starseries Part Seven. It's in a ugly blue cover without the gatefold cover that graced the original m. This album was never released on CD but all the tracks are available on the FRIDA 1967-1972 collection..
Track listing Side 1 | Track listing Side 2 |
Tre kvart från nu Jag blir galen när jag tänker på dej Lycka Sen dess har jag inte sett'en En ton av tystnad Suzanne |
Min egan stad ( on later pressings) Allting skall bli bra/Vad gör jag med min kärlek Jag är beredd En liten sång om kärlek Telegram för fullmånen Barnen sover |
Frida- Singles 1971-1979 |
Frida released 7 singles in this period , her work with ABBA meant that she released no solo singles between 1973-1974 and betwwen 1976-1980... |
1971 |
En Liten San Om KArlek/Tre Kvart Fran Nu Spring 1971 EMI En Kvall En Sommarm/Vi Allt Me NAsten Inget Mid 1971 EMI Min egen Stad /En Gang Ar Ingen Gang Fall 1971 EMI |
1972 |
Vi Ar Alla Baraa I Borjan/Kom Och Sjung En sang Early 1972 EMI Vad Goe Jag Med Min Karlek/Allting Ska Bli bra Spring 1972 EMI Man Vill Ju Lite Dessemellna/Ska Ma Skratta eller Grat Late 1972 Polar |
1975 |
Fernando (Solo Swedish version)/Ett Live I Solen Late 1975 Polar |
Lill-Babs- "Valkommen Till Varlden /Ra-Ta-Ta Mid 1971 single 45
This single includes the B&B song "Valkommen Till Varlden " The recording was produced by B&B and features all four ABBA members singing or playing on it...
Hep Stars -California Maiden 1971 Swedish Lp...out of print, very out of print...
The post Benny Andersson /Svenne Hedlund era Hep Stars continued ....A second album with Kookie and Josephine,. All new material , no rock and roll covers this time, Once again- no great success ..
What happened after this, I don't know -maybe they all went off to write the Great American Novel...and so there were no new albums using the Hep Stars moniker this till 1989...
1. Riverboat 2. Nothing 3. Do I Still Figure In Your Life 4. Come Home 5. Reflections Of You 6. Judas In Blue |
1. Ten
Years Later 2. Carolina 3. Going Back 4. Where The Hell I Am 5. California Maiden |
Frida - Nu Vissla I Ett Slag (Whistle While You Work) Swedish Extended play disc of Disney music 1971
Frida recorded this song for a Swedish Disney song project. This song is from Snow White. This track is very obscure and hard to get since it is not on any of Frida's albums. It does not seem to be available on CD in any form...There are two other songs on this EP- a version of Heigh Ho sung by Rasmus , and "Theme to Snow white" performed Kerston Franzen.
Hootenanny Singers -Vara Vackraste Visor August 1971 Available on Swedish Cd
Björn ,Hansi
and Totta (also known as Tony )
recorded this in July 71,at the Europafilm studios.
Supposedly the
title means "Our Most Beautiful Songs".
Although the cover makes this album look like
a live album, - it is not. It was produced by Benny
Andersson (or at least he's the guy who got credited)..
There is a lot more piano and accordion on the
the two triple V albums. Every time you hear
a keyboard on a Hootennany record you find yourself wondering
."Is that Benny?". One of those times is on a great
solo on the trad. tune "Horgalaten" which utterly blows
away.... Interestingly, Benny later recorded "Horgalaten"
again for his "Fiolen Min" album.
Hjärtets Saga
Jungman Jansson
Den Vackraste Visan
Så Länge Skutan Kan Gå
Lilla Vackra Anna
En Valsmelodi
Rosen Och Fjärilen
Aftontankar Vid Fridas Ruta
Lena Andersson -Lena -Late 1971 Out of print Swedish Lp
This was the second album by the blond Polar label singer.Stig and Bjorn coproduced it and all four ABBA members sing backing vocals on it. Strangley none of the songs on the album were written by B&B , though some of her other albums and singles include B&B songs.
Agnetha Fältskog- Nar En Vackar Tanke Blir En Sang Rel. Late 1971 Swedish Lp
The album title translates
to "When A Beautiful Thought becomes a Song"
This album was recorded in 1971 at Metronome Studios in Stockholm.
Björn Ulvaeus produced this album which was Agnetha's fourth
;and Björn does a good job. Björn even cowrote some
of the songs here with Agnetha. (songs like "Mitt Somarland,
and "Kungens vaktparad".)
Benny and Frida can also be found singing and/ or playing on this,album notably on 'Drom Ar Drom A Saga Saga" (A dream is a Dream and a Song is a Song ).
The cover features Agnetha sitting down near a window which is a theme that would be repeated on her next studio album cover. The Dutch reissued this album with a different cover under the name AGNETHA. A lot of the songs on this album can found on the "Sjung Denna Sjung" compilation .
This was released on CD in 2004 as part of the box set De Första Åren - Agnetha Fältskog 1967-1979. But it has yet to be released independently on CD.
Track listing:
Många gånger än
Jag vill att du skall bli lycklig
Kungens vaktparad
Mitt sommarland
Nya ord
Jag skall inte fälla några tårar
Då finns du hos mig
Han lämnar mig för att komma till dig
Kanske var min kind lite het
Sången föder dig tillbaka
Tågen kan gå igen
Dröm är dröm, och saga saga
Frida- ANNI-FRID LYNGSTAD 1971? (some sources say 1972 ) Out of print Swedish LP.
This is a twelve song compilation of previously EMI released singles Some sources (-the TWIST in Dark site is one )say that this album was released in 1971.. One source (ABBA-The BOOK )implies that this album was actually released in October 1972. So I review it in the 1972 section.
1972 1972 saw the first singles by Bjorn ,Benny and Agnetha & Frida as a quartet, also,Frida moved to the Polar label,and Agnetha appeared as Mary Magdelene. Lena Anderson-Better To have Loved/Cecelia Original Swedish Cast -Jesus Christ Superstar 1972 Available on German Cd ABBA's Early Singles , many of which were released only in Sweden. Ted Gardestad -Undringar 1972 Swedish CD- Hootenanny Singers- Vara Vackraste Visor Volume 2 1972 Avail. on Swedish Cd Frida- ANNI-FRID LYNGSTAD 1972 (some sources say 1971) Out of print Swedish LP Kulle- "Ture Sventon" / "Jag Ar Blatt En Man" single 45 Late 1972 Various Artists-När Juldagsmorgon Glimmar 1972 Swedish Lp |
Both sides of this single were written by Bjorn and Benny and the song was a failed entry to the Eurovsion song contest..."Better to Have Loved' is the English version of " Saj Det Med Eng Sang
Hootenanny Singers -Tiden/Ida & Frida & Anne-Marie 3/72
A rare non -album Hootz single...
Original Swedish Cast -Jesus Christ Superstar Swedish 2Lp set early 1972 Reissued on Dutch Cd
Agnetha was Mary Magdelene in the Swedish language stage version of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's classic musical. This was Aggie's first acting role. The part is important but not very big -two solos and a few other small bits. Agnetha retained the acting bug and would later star in a film.
Björn produced Agnetha's versions of" Everything's All Right" and "I Dont Know How To Love Him". The latter song was A #1 hit on the Svenkstoppen.
We have a rare chance to compare
Agnetha and Frida's singing styles since
Frida also did versions of these same two songs, on her 1971 debut
album. Frida's
versions were produced by Benny. Interestingly, her versions use
a different translation than that used on the Agnetha version.
Not surprisingly, Agnetha's versions of these songs are better
than Frida's versions,partly because Björn comes up with
a much better arrangment for Aggie than Benny did producing for
Frida, but partly because these songs are more suited more Aggie.
This album was rereleased on Cd just recently on Royal Records (the same people who reissued Aggie's first 2 albums on CD). The two main Agnetha tracks can be found on numerous Agnetha compilation....
You can see footage of rehearsels for the staging of this musical on the SUPER TROUPERS video...
Disc 1- Ouvertyr, Ditt Folk Har Du Förlett, Vad Står På ?/ Hon Går På Gatan(Agnetha), Nu Ska Du Bli Stilla(Agnetha), Jesus Må Dö, Hosianna, Simon Ivraren/Ack Mitt Jerusalem, Pilatus Dröm, I Templet, Allting Är Allright(Agnetha), Vart Ska Min Kärlek Föra(Agnetha), Drömd För Alltid |
Disc 2- Nattvarden, I Getsemane, Jesus Fängslas, Petrus Förnekar Jesus(Agnetha), Inför Pilatus, Herodes Sång, Judas Död, Åter Inför Pilatus, Superstar, Korsfästelsen, Johannes Evangeliet kap. 19, vers 41 |
ABBA's Early Singles , many of which were released only in Sweden.
The early ABBA singles credited to Björn & Benny with Agnetha & Frida (On right of chart see where the song was first availabe on CD! A few of these songs have not been released internationally. |
* Bara Du Slog En Signal (swed-Ring Ring)c/w 1973 PA SVENSKA * Ah Vilka Tider 1973-Pa Svenska |
* People Need Love c/w 1972-Ring Ring * Merry Go Round 1972-Box set |
* Ring Ring (English vers.) c/w 1973 Ring Ring * Merry Go Round 1973 Box Set |
* He Is Your Brother c/w 1972 Ring Ring * Santa Rosa 1972 Box Set |
* Waterloo(Swed vers. )c/w 1974 Pa Svenska * Honey Honey (Swedish vers.) 1974 Pa Svenska |
Love Isn't It Easy c/w 1973 Ring Ring * I am Just A Girl 1973-Ring Ring |
--and there was a promo 45 in Swedish called... * En Halsing Till Vara Parkarrangorer (Greetings to Folk Park Promoters) ( No longer in print.) Polar Music issued this promo 45 as a greetings to promoters on ABBA's 1973 Swedish folk parks concert tour-it included talking and snippets of various songs.... |
Ted Gardestad -Undringar January 1972 Swedish CD
Ted's first album and a very sucessful one -it topped the Swedish charts for ten weeks.. .Agnetha and Frida sang backing vocals,Bjorn and Benny sing and play on this album , and produced the album, but most of Ted's songs were written by Ted(music) and brother Ken(lyrics)Ted was quite young at this point in time....Later, he got older.
Hootenanny Singers- Vara Vackraste Visor Volume 2 October 1972 Avail. on Swedish Cd
Produced by Björn
and Stig. The Hootz did their
last tour with Björn on the summer of 1972 .
Why this was called VVV part two -I'm not really sure. Like, VVV
Part One this album features songs by Evert Taube, Dan
Andersson and Birger Sjoberg amongst others. By this time, the
Hoots had stopped trying to impress their audience with annoying
covers of American country songs.
The main drawback of the two VVV albums ,and any of the later Hootz albums is that none of the songs were written by Björn and or Benny. (B&B did take a publishers credit for arranging some of the traditional songs here.) However at least that means that the later albums don't try to go too many different directions which is often a problem on the Hootenanny's 1960's stuff, so the later albums are more focused.
Michael Tretow engineers a few of the tracks here. The lovely "Omkring tiggarn Fran Luossa" is leadoff song here. Björn's sensitive vocal is coupled with some wistful piano playing. I read more than one place that "Fran Luossa" supposedly set a record for amount of time on the Swedish charts that was broken by "Guldet Blev Sand" (from B&B's KRISTINA), but that seems strange, since it was not released as a single...
The Hootz did their last tour with Björn on the summer of 1972 . The three Hootz were joined on their tour by Kjell Jeppson, Hams Bergkvist, and soon to be ABBA bass player- Rutger Gunnarsson.
Omkring Tiggarn Från Loussa
Visa I Molom
Längtan Till Italian
Svarte Rudolf
Dè È Någè Visst Mè Dè
Där Björkarna Susa
Får Jag Lämna Några Blommar
En Balad Om Franske Kungens Spelmän
Flicka Från Backafall
Calle Schewens Vals
Aftontankar Vid Fridas Ruta
Frida- ANNI-FRID LYNGSTAD October? 1972 (some sources say 1971) Out of print Swedish LP.
Although this is a twelve song compilation of previously released singles none of the songs had been on a album before .
It never has been really been exactly clear when this album was released.... One source (ABBA-The BOOK )implies that this album was actually released in October 1972.
This album draws mainly from Frida's eight singles released between 1967-1970 . Ten of the sixteen songs from her first eight singles made their album debut here. The remaining six sides wouldn't make it on a album till the 1990's. The 1971 "Min Egan Stad" /"En Gang Ar Ingen gang " single filled the eleventh and twelth spots on this LP.
Frida's first
six singles were produced by EMI's Ollie Bergman. Ollie was the
man who signed Frida to EMI after seeing her sing" En Ledig
Dag" on the Hyland Horna Tv show in September 1967. The oft
story being that this particular TV show was put on to keep people
off the roads
since Sweden was switching from driving on the left to driving
on the right."En Ledig Dag" (A Day Off)
would also be her first single (released September 1967) and appears
for the first time on album here. Eight of the songs here were
produced by Ollie Bergman. Of the songs ,produced by Ollie Bergman
only "Härlig är vår jord" received any
airplay. In all, Frida would have only five radio hits prior to
1974- "Härlig är vår jord", "Min
egen stad , "En kväll om sommarn" ,Där du
går lämnar kärleken spår" and "Man
Vill Ju Leva Lite Dessemellan".
In 1969 Benny
became Frida's producer (and her boyfriend!) Benny produced the
remaining four of the songs on this album. The "Min Egan
Stad" single as well as two other songs "Peter Pan"
and "Dar Du Gar Lamnar Karleken Spar"(Love Grows Where
My Rosemary Goes)".
"Peter Pan was' a Swedish B&B composition recorded in
Sept. 1969 . "Peter
Pan" marked the first time three future ABBA members worked
on a record together.
The cover of this album features Frida sitting down on a small hill showing off her' legs (very similar to the cover of Agnetha's first album). This album was never released on Cd but all the songs are available on FRIDA 1967-1972.
Frida stopped recording for EMi in 1972 and signed with Polar Records.
But by late 1972 ABBA was starting to take over Frida' career, and so Frida
only released a few sides as a solo artist for Polar between 1972-1974.
Track listing for ANNI-FRID LYNGSTAD (all songs sung in Swedish)
1. Min egen stad (1971) 2. En gång är ingen gång (1971) 3. Försök och sov på saken (1969) 4. Peter Pan (1969) 5. Räkna de lyckliga stunderna blott (1969) 6. Där du går lämnar kärleken spår (1970) |
1. Härlig är
vår jord (1969) 2. Peter, kom tillbaka (1967) 3. Simsalabim (1968) 4. En ledig dag (1967) 5. Du är så underbart rar (1967) 6. Så synd du måste gå (1969) |
Kulle- "Ture Sventon" / "Jag Ar Blatt En Man" single 45 Late 1972
A single with both sides written by Bjorn and Benny. The music was for the childrens's detective film TURE SVENTON..which also featured Kulle.
The b-side "there's a little Man' has some story attached to it bbut i am forgetting waht that would be.....
Various Artists-När Juldagsmorgon Glimmar Late 1972 Swedish Lp
Polar's 1972 Christmas music album had tracks by Annifrid Lyngstad, Lena Anderson,Svenne Hudlund, trumpeter Arne Lambert, Sonja Stjernqvist and the Hootenanny Singers .The title of the album translates to "When Christmas Morning Is Shining".
The Hootz do versions of "Gå Sion, din Konung att möta" and "Nu Tandas Tusen Juleljus".Frida does "Nar det lider mot jul( When Christmas Is Coming") and "Glans over sjo och strand". All of the tracks were recorded in 1972.
The orginal Lp (which
has a wintery picture of a church on the cover ) is no longer
but this album was reissued in tandem with Agnetha andLinda's
Christmas album on the 1994 Polar CD -JULENS MUSIK.
THIS is an enjoyable Christmas album. Highlights include Lena Andersson's version's of "Silent Night",and Svenne Hedlund's version of "Dotter Sion, frojda Dig" which has some fantastic church organ on it (by Benny perhaps?).
This album was produced by Stig, Benny and Bjorn.The reissue JULENS MUSIK is the closest thing we have to an ABBA Christmas album. (ABBA never recorded any Christmas music).
Stilla Natt - Lena Andersson
Nu Tändas Tusen Juleljus -Hootenanny Singers
När Det Lider Mot Jul Anni-Frid Lyngstad
Dotter Sion, Fröjda Dig- Svenne Hedlund
O Du Saliga -Sonja Stjernqvist
Gläns Över Sjö Och Strand -Anni-Frid Lyngstad
När Juldagsmorgon Glimmar -Svenne Hedlund
Bereden Väg För Herran -Arne Lamberth
Hosianna -Sonja Stjernqvist
Gå Sion, Din Konung Att Möta- Hootenanny Singers
Härlig Är Jorden -Lena Andersson
Var Hälsad Sköna Morgonstund -Arne Lamberth
1973 In 1973 Björn Benny & Agnetha Frida's first album was released and their regional career as a group started to take off. Björn Benny &Agnetha Frida-RING RING rel.1973 available worldwide on CD1990's Agnetha Fältskog-Basta 1973 Swedish Lp Various Artists-1973 - EMI 054-34826 - 50 glada år alla tiders största - Disney Favoriter Vol.2 Out of print Swedish Lp Various Artists -SVENSKTOPPEN - TOPPAR 3 1973 Lp Out of print Hootenanny Singers-Dan Andersson Pa Svart 1973 Janne Schaffer- Janne Schaffer Svenne & Lotta-Oldies but Goodies 1973 Swedish LP out of print Ted Gardestad -Ted 1973 Swedish CD |
Ted Gardestad -Ted Early 1973
Swedish CD
Ted's second album. Produced by Benny, Björn & Ted Gardestad.Agnetha
and Frida sang backing vocals, Benny plays piano. Bjorn plays
mandolin, and banjo.
*** Björn Benny &Agnetha Frida-RING RING rel. March 1973 in Sweden available worldwide on CD1990's
This is regarded as ABBA's
first album. The acronym ABBA wasn't used officially till after
the release of this lp. The RING RING lp was originally released
only in Sweden and a few other terrritories . The RING RING album
only became widely available in most territories when Polygram
released it on Cd in the 1990's.
However, Five of the songs from RING RING have been long available
worldwide on Abba's first GREATEST HITS album. Those songs were"
Ring Ring"," People Need Love","He Is Your
Brother'," Nina Preety Ballerina" and "Another
Town, Another Train" These are still reasonably enjoyable.
Lyrically, the themes
on "People Need Love" and "He is Your Brother"
are laudatory if not very original.
The original album had twelve tracks. The original Swedish LP
had both the Swedish & English versions of" Ring Ring".The
first Cd issue of RING RING included the Björn and Benny
song "She's my kind of Girl "instead of the Swedish
version of"Ring Ring"
Of the six remaining tracks
the most
interesting is "Disillusion" . "Disillusion"
is the only Abba song to be written or cowritten by one of the
girls. Agnetha wrote the music and Björn wrote the words
.B&B were unable to encourage Agnetha to write any more songs
for the group. (Frida never had a writing credit on a Abba track)
"Rock N Roll Band "is only a mildly effective song,
it, like so many of the early ABBA songs features Björn on
lead vocals. "Love Isnt Easy "and "Me and Bobby
and Bobby's Brother" have pleasent bubble gum melodies but
sound contrived."I saw It in The mirror" and "I
am Just a Girl" are two of the worst Abba songs ever.
Like all of the ABBA albums that would follow RING RING was engineered
by Michael B.Tretow, and produced by ABBA's boys, Benny Andersson
and Björn Ulvaeus.
RING RING is generally regarded as the weakest of the ABBA studio albums, though one could make the argument that the less-hit laden WATERLOO album is weaker...
1. Ring Ring (Bara du slog en signal) 2. Another Town, Another Train; 3. Disillusion; 4. People Need Love; 5. I Saw It In The Mirror; 6. Nina, Pretty Ballerina; 7. Love Isn't Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough); 8. Me And Bobby And Bobby's Brother; 9. He Is Your Brother; 10.Ring Ring (English version) ; 11. I Am Just A Girl; 12. Rock'n Roll Band;
2001 CD Remaster Track listing....
1. Ring Ring; 2. Another Town, Another Train; 3. Disillusion; 4. People Need Love; 5. I Saw It In The Mirror; 6. Nina, Pretty Ballerina; 7. Love Isn't Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough); 8. Me And Bobby And Bobby's Brother; 9. He Is Your Brother; 10. She's My Kind Of Girl; 11. I Am Just A Girl; 12. Rock'n Roll Band;
Extra tracks: 13. Merry-Go-Round; 14. Santa Rosa; 15. Ring Ring (Bara du slog en signal)
Hootenanny Singers-Dan Andersson Pa Svart August 1973 Swedish CD
This one features a river on the cover, This album was recorded in May and June 1973 and released in August. This album once again featured more involvement from Hansi and Tony. The album features songs written by the great Swedish songwriter Dan Andersson (no relation to Benny). The version of Jag Väntar Vid Min Mila is a rerecording of their 1964 debut single. . No ambition here are than to put out a good album. Acccording to Carl Magnus Palm, this is one of the Hootz best albums. Micahel Tretow engineered this album and Benny plays on it...
Per Ols Per Erik
Till Min Syster
Avskedssång Till Finnmarksskalden Broder Joachim
Julvisa I Finnmarken
Heldagskväll I Timmerkojan
Om Aftonen
Jag Väntar Vid Min Mila
Omkring Tiggarn Från Loussa
Various Artists- 50 glada år alla tiders största - Disney Favoriter Vol.2 Out of print 1973 Swedish Lp
This album was released on EMI and it compiles Frida's 1971 Disney track, "Nu Vissla I Ett Slag "(Whistle While You Work) oringially found a 4track Extended Play record.. This is the only album that seems to have this song on it...Though no doubt it is found elsewhere...
Various Artists -SVENSKTOPPEN - TOPPAR 3
1973 Lp Out of print
A Polar Music compilation many of which
were non-lp tracks...This features both sides of a 1972 single
The two Hootenanny tracks and the two Frida tracks were not otherwise
available on Lp at the time..
1. MAN VILL JU LEVA LITE DESSEMELLAN - Anni-Frid Lyngstad (frida)
2. I EN KLOSTERTRÄGÅRD - Arne Lamberth
3. TIDEN - Hootenanny Singers
6. JAG HÖR MUSIK - Arne Lamberth
1. JAG VILL HA EN EGEN MÅNE -Ted Gärdestad
3. IDA, FRIDA OCH ANNE-MARIE-Hootenanny Singers
4. SKA MAN SKRATTA ELLER GRÅTA-Anni-Frid Lyngstad (Frida)
5. SÄJ DET MED EN SÅNG- Lena Andersson
6. SOM EN SAGA- Arne Lamberth
Janne Schaffer- Janne Schaffer 1973 Swedish Lp
The first of 20 or more solo albums by ABBA lead guitarist Janne Schaffer,most of which have been in a jazz/rock fusion style.., none of his albums were released on the Polar label. Most of his early albums are not available on CD, but can be found on used lps...Janne's solo career continues into the present day.Other ABBA session people worked on Janne's albums, ....Many of Jannes's albums ,especially ,the late 1970's titles were released internationally....His debut album was one of the most successful of his albums it went to number one on the Swedish charts. This particular album features ABBA percussionists Malando Gassama and Ola Brunkert. This album was more in a rock style... I dont normally include his albums in the YEAR BY YEAR listing .since .I dont believe any of the four ABBA members wrote songs, played or sang on his records...
Svenne & Lotta-Oldies but Goodies Late 1973 Swedish LP out of print
This was their First Lp with Polar Records, among the oldies were"Be My Baby' and Do You Want To Dance". The album was produced by Bjorn and Benny and Svenne and B&B play on it.
Agnetha Fältskog-Basta Late 1973 Out of print Swedish Lp
Agnetha devoted less time to her solo career in 1972-1974. This was due to her need to spend time as a wife and (in 1973 - mother) and due to the emergence of ABBA. This hits compilation was her only solo album to come out during 1972-1974. This was released on the Cupol label.
Agnetha did record and release four singles during this lull. Four songs from these singles would appear on this album. The 1972 tracks "Vart skall min kärlek föra."(Aggie's version of"I Dont Know How To Love Him") and "Sa Glad Som Dina Ogon", The 1973 tracks were "En Sang Om Sorg Och Gladje" and" Vi Har Har Hunnit Fram Till Refrangen" (Our Last Song Together"). "Our Last Song together" has a lovely melody courtesy of Neil Sedaka. The latter two were recorded for this Hits collection....
The lettering on this album similiar to that used on Barbara Streisand albums. BASTA hasn't been released on Cd cos it was superseded by later hits compilations.
Track listing:
Jag var så kär
Utan dej, mitt liv går vidare
Allting har förändrat sej
Om tårar vore guld
Många gånger än
Dröm är dröm, och saga saga
Vart skall min kärlek föra?
Så glad som dina ögon
En sång om sorg och glädje
Vi har hunnit fram till refrängen
1974 1974 brought ABBA's international breakthrough and Bjorn's last album with the Hootenanny Singers. ABBA- WATERLOO 1974 Available worldwide on CD Hootenanny Singers -Favoriter 1974 Out of print Swedish Lp Hootenanny Singers -Evert Taube pa Svart 1974 Available Swedish CD .Agnetha Fältskog- Agnetha 1974 Out of print DUTCH Lp Ted Gardestad --Upptag 1974 Swedish CD ABBA- Honey Honey 1974 German Lp FRIDA - EMI STJÄRNSERIE, Volume 7 Swedish? Mid to Late 1974 Lp Stig Andersson- Stig "Stikkan" Anderson Swedish? Lp 1974 ABBA- Björn Benny &Agnetha Frida 1974 Czechoslovakia Lp Bjorn Jison Lindh-Boogie Woogie 1974 Swedish Lp Sweet Dreams-"Honey Honey" single 1974 Svenne & Lotta 2 1974 Swedish Lp Out of print |
ABBA- WATERLOO March 1974 (later in most territories) Available worldwide on CD
"My, My at Waterloo , Napoleon did surrender".
Thus sung ABBA in their #1 prize winning entry at the Eurovision song contest in April 1974.
This album released on the heels of ABBA's
big Eurovision breakthrough this album did little to solidify
ABBA's commercial standing. Although, WATERLOO is not a great
album it still can be an fairly enjoyable listen ifyou can get
beyond this album's bubblegum sensibilities.
There have been few more explosive pop records than the "Waterloo"
single. It is easy to see how such a song could prove to be such
a breakthrough track for the group throughout the world. Like
many of ABBA's
1970's hits much of the song is sung in unison by Agnetha and
Frida. "Honey Honey" sounds overly inspired by bubblegumclassics
such as the Archies," Sugar Sugar"."Honey Honey"
was actually covered by another group (Sweet Dreams)
in Britain and became a minor hit. "Honey Honey" is
ABBA's most anonymous sounding song,
Agnetha's vocal showcase -"Hasta Manana'was a hit in some
places and was covered by Debbie Boone . I never really liked
the song.
"Dance (While the Music Goes On)"seems
deriative of Phil Spectre ,always
somebody worth of copying. I don't really care for Björn's
vocal interjections on
"Dance", In fact, his vocal presence on this album is
substantial -he hasthree lead vocals here, and sings onmany of
the other tracks, but the girls
sing on his songs ,sweetening them up,making them listenable.
A lot of the songs here have an element of
fun -Most Notably "King Kong Song, and "What About livingstone".
Two of the songs are more serious- "My Mama Said" which
had a great instrumental break" and "Gonna Sing You
My Lovesong" which offers a very vulnerable Frida
lead vocal. "Suzy Hang Around" is practically the only
ABBA song to feature Benny on lead vocals. I
hate"Suzy" lyrics but love his keyboards on the song.
"Watch Out" is a unconvincing rocker
which has interesting ending.
The title track from the RING RING was included on the WATERLOO
album in most territories. In Sweden , the Swedish version of
Waterloo was released. WATERLOO is just an average album. It's
a must have only for fans of the early ABBA period.
Hootenanny Singers -Favoriter 1974 Out of print Swedish Lp
The Hootz put out this compilation album of previously released Swedish language tracks. I believe this was released by the Scandinavian Music Club... .They were a group of Scandinavians who enjoyed music....
Vinden Sjunger Samma sång
Måltidssång (Sång nr. 21)
Fåfängans Marknad
Mårten gås
Omkring Tiggarn Från Luossa
Björkens Visa
I Fjol Så Gick Jag Med Herrarna I Hagen
Hjärtats Saga
Finns Det Liv Så Finns Det Hopp
Vid Roines Strand
Den Som Lever Får S
.Agnetha Fältskog- Agnetha Mid to Late 1974 Out of print DUTCH Lp
....This was a repackaging of the 1972 album Nar En Vackar Tanke Blir En Sang BY EMBASSY RECORDS for the Dutch markert.
Många gånger
Jag vill att du skall bli lycklig
Kungens vaktparad
Mitt sommarland
Nya ord
Jag skall inte fälla några tårar
Då finns du hos mig
Han lämnar mig för att komma till dig
Kanske var min kind lite het
Sången föder dig tillbaka
Tågen kan gå igen
FRIDA - EMI STJÄRNSERIE, Volume 7 Swedish? Mid to Late 1974 Lp
This album is a rather garish reissuing of Frida's first solo album...It was reissued to To take advantage of ABBA's emergence, All the songs are there but little in the way of liner notes..The album was released on the Columbia label, catalog No 34549. The title means E.Mi. Star Series....
Stig Andersson- Stig "Stikkan" Anderson Swedish? Lp 1974
This is quite a rare album that compiles ten of ABBA manager's own recordings , presumably mostly songs he did in the 1950' was supposedly issued on the Telstar label, not on Stig's own Polar label,.. It seems strange to think of Stig as a performer- but in any case, he also worked as a songwriter and a teacher before starting the Polar record label in 1964. Stig had his greatest success prior to ABBA in translating foreign songs into Swedish.
A few of Stig's songs have made unto CD...but only on Various Artist compilation albums.....
Track listing
BABY-TWIST (with Lillian)
Hootenanny Singers -Evert Taube pa Svart September 1974 Available Swedish CD
The Hootz second album to feature songs from the repertoire of Evert Taube (the album title means Evert Taube -Our Way) The Hootz had previously recorded the album Sjunger Evert Taube in 1965. Evert Taube was a noted early 20th centruy singer/songwriter.
Once again, there are no Hootz on the cover just a lovely photo of a red house on rocky Swedish isle. Makes you want to go out to the archipelego and write # 1 hits.
This was recorded and produced in summer of 1974 by B&B after "Waterloo"had broken ABBA internationally. This is Björn's last work with the Hootz and it was only recorded cos B&B didn't want to back out on the comittment to make the album . At this point, Björn finally left the Hootzenanny's so as to devote more time to his other group-ABBA.
Fritiof Anderssons Paradmarsch
Brittisk Ballad
Fritiof Anderssons Polka
Dansen På Sunnanö
Ingrid Dardels Polska
Vals I Valparaiso
Sjuttonde Balleden
Sweet Dreams-"Honey Honey" single mid 1974
This was a July 1974 #10 Hit in Great Britain, the first cover of a ABBA to be a hit outside of Scandinavia. I would guess that it was on a Lp ,and perhaps was released on CD .
ABBA- Björn Benny &Agnetha Frida Mid? 1974 Czechoslovakia Lp
This is just the same as the Waterloo album, with the standard track listing but with a different title. I don't know why they didn't call it "Waterloo". ABBA was unusual in their attempts to release albums on an frequent basis in the then Communist Eastern European markerts..It got to the point where ABBA manager, Stig Anderson set up a company just to trade with the East Europeans.. He would trade music for oil and other goods.
ABBA- Honey Honey mid to Late 1974 German Lp
This album was released by Polydor in Germany-the album is Essentially the `1973 "Ring Ring album with the 1974 song "Honey Honey " tacked on in place of "I Saw It in the Mirror".
1. Ring Ring; 2. Another Town, Another Train; 3. Disillusion; 4. People Need Love; 5.
Honey Honey ; 6. Nina, Pretty Ballerina; 7. Love Isn't Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough); 8. Me And Bobby And Bobby's Brother; 9. He Is Your Brother; 10. She's My Kind Of Girl; 11. I Am Just A Girl; 12. Rock'n Roll Band;
Ted Gardestad --Upptag 1974 Swedish CD
Produced by Benny, Ted Gardestad & Björn.Agnetha and Frida sang backing vocals, Bjorn plays guitar, Benny plays piano, ...Linda is still in diapers..Stig drinks champagne ...while the rest of us have a beer.
Bjorn Jison Lindh-Boogie Woogie 1974 Swedish Lp
The second of numerous albums by Swedish flute player and ABBA session player Lindh. He later provide the flute for "One Night In Bangkok." from Chess. Like many of his albums, this album features various ABBA session band players such as Janne Schaffer and Ola Brunkert. ABBA's session players were all very good musicians and woud often work together outisde of ABBA..
Bjorrn and Benny themselves didn't play on Lindh's albums. Lindh's records ranged from jazz to folk to new age....Many of them were released internationally....
1975 By late 1975 ABBA had proved they were not a flash -in-the-pan. 1975 also saw solo releases by Agnetha and Frida. 1975 was one of the most prolific years for ABBA related releases... ABBA- Pop Power-The Fantastic ABBA 1975 Austian Lp ABBA-ABBA released april 1975 Available worldwide on CD ABBA- Mamma Mia ABBA Mid 1975 German Lp ABBA-I do I Do I Do I Do I Do ABBA 1975 South Africa Lp Arthur Greenslade &Orchestra -Play the Best of ABBA 1975 Svenne & Lotta 2 1975? Swedish Lp Out of print Harpo -" Moviestar" single .... 1975 Scandinavan & German single. Birgitta Wollgard & Salut-Birgitta Wollgard & Salut 1975 Swedish Lp Bjorn Skifs -SchiffzSwedish lp 1975. Frida -Frida Ensam November (Sept?) 1975 Available on Swedish CD Agnetha Fältskog-Elva Kvinnor I ett Hus rel. December 1975 Swedish Lp Various artists- -Stars Im Zeichen Eines Guten Sterns 1975 German Lp (includes one song by ABBA) ABBA-BEST OF 1975 Australian LP ABBA-Greatest Hits November 1975 in Sweden /Early 1976 elsewhere Reisued on CD 2006 |
ABBA- Pop Power-The Fantastic ABBA 1975 Austrian Lp
Supposedly, the Austrians (that's right not-the Australians!) released their own special music club version of an ABBA studio album, in this case- the Waterloo album. For this version they dropped "Watch Out" and "Suzy Hang Around" and replaced them with "SOS", "So Long " and "Ring Ring". The cover also was different -this one features Frida's butt. Yes it's true, go look up it up!...
1. Waterloo
2. Ring Ring
3. Sitting In The Palmtree
4. King Kong Song
5. My Mama Said
6. Dance (While The Music Still Goes On)
1.Honey Honey
2. What About Livingstone
3. Gonna Sing You My Lovesong
4. So Long
5. Hasta Mañana
6. S.O.S..
ABBA-ABBA released April 1975 Available worldwide on CD
After the success of "Waterloo" Abba had some limited success with singles between Mid 1974 and mid 1975 but it wasn't till the release of the "SOS" single that they proved that they were not just a one hit wonder in the critical British markert.
This album ,despite the presence
of four million selling hits was not a mega seller in English
speaking markerts (though it certainly did well enough).That's
probably why it tends to be less well known than the later ABBA
albums. This is the ABBA album with the highest
concentration of effective rock n roll numbers.
Five of the songs on the ABBA album had elements of rock and roll, "So long", "Intermezzo No 1", " SOS" , "Rock Me", and "Hey Hey Helen".
"Hey Hey Helen" is
one of the great unsung
ABBA songs, for some reason Björn and Benny themselves never
cared for it, maybe
because the lyric is actually preety good,
better than the usual nonsense that pervaded many of their singles.
Mercifully HHH is a has a darker lyric
with feminist overtones that are thankfully not diluted since
Björn refrained from singing along . Also, Somebody put away
the key to the music hall piano so that Benny wouldn"t make
the song too cheerful. Benny instead provides some solid clavinet
fills ..
However "Rock me' is perhaps
a less convincing
rocker with a run-of -the mill-lyric, On this one they let Björn
into the vocal booth,
and Benny got to throw in the music hall
piano. Admittedly, one has to give Björn
a lot if credit for the way he managed to stretch his voice into
such a growl on "Rock ME",(For a long time I had assumed
it was Benny singing on "Rock Me "because
the lead vocals sound so different". The album's closer "So
Long' was not
a very good song,but nor was it really so bad, it was the first
single from the
album in a few territories.
"Intermezzo No 1" & "SOS" are highly original
classical/ rock fusions. " Intemezzo" was ABBA's first
instrumental record -and was most certainly not a filler track.
"SOS' melds akeyboard backed verse with a guitar driven chorus.
Agnetha's angst-tormented lead vocal is puncuated by some charming
accented pronunctions of English words that tend to emphasize
how European this record is. "Tropical Loveland' and"Bang-A-Boomerang"
are the kind of lyrics and songs that seem'
provoke disdain amongst ABBA's critics.
"BAB "actually has a fairly clever title and
was illustrated by one of the cheeriest videos ABBA ever made
(. For once the ABBA smiles look sincere! )"Tropical Loveland'
does have stupid lyrics that are poorly pronounced by Frida, but
it is redeemed by some sublime but subtle backing vocals and organ
work-listen closely to this song on headphones. ( ABBA's harmonies
from Day One were always incredibly inventive).
Agnetha got another prime vocal opportunity on "I've Been
Waiting For You",just catch her hitting the high notes on
the word "ceiling".
1. Mamma Mia; 2. Hey, Hey Helen; 3. Tropical Loveland; 4. SOS; 5. Man In The Middle; 6. Bang-A-Boomerang; 7. I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do; 8. Rock Me; 9. Intermezzo no. 1; 10. I've Been Waiting For You; 11. So Long;
BONUS TRACKS ON 2001 Remasters ...
extra tracks: 12. Crazy World; 13. Medley: Pick A Bale Of Cotton/On Top Of Old Smokey/Midnight Special (new bonus tracks)
ABBA- Mamma Mia -ABBA Mid 1975 German Lp
Once again, the German's issued a ABBA Studio album with name different the
en it's given one.
In this case they called ABBA's self-titled studio album-"Mamma Mia". The track listing is the same as "ABBA' and the cover is similiar to the original cover...
ABBA-I do I Do I Do I Do I Do ABBA Mid 1975 South Africa Lp
In this case the South Africans decided to call ABBA's self-titled studio album-".-I do I Do I Do I Do I Do The track listing is the same as "ABBA' and the cover is similiar to the original cover. This album was also released in
Harpo -" Moviestar" single .... Late 1975 Scandinavian & German single.
Frida did backing vocals for this song, which was recorded & released in both English & Swedish versions .The track has not been compiled on a Frida album, but is available on a recent Harpo collection. The recording of this song is pictured in the "From Waterloo to Mamma Mia" book....
Arthur Greenslade & His Orchestra-Play the Best of ABBA 1975 LP
One of the first albums to feature covers of
ABBA songs. It was released on Sweden's Polar records but also
in other territories. it was executive produced by Stig Anderson. On this album the pianist , Arthur
Greenslade actually performs the unreleased B&B composition,"Cecilia"'
as well as a number of early ABBA songs. and a couple of B&B
Track listing
Side A
1.) Cecilia
2.) So Long
3.) I Am Just A Girl
4.) Hasta Manana
5.) I've Been Waiting For You
6.) Ring Ring
Side B
1.) Honey Honey
2.) To Live With Love (Lycka)
3.) Waterloo
4.) Dance (While The Music Still Goes On)
5.) Better To Have Loved (Säj Det Med On Sang) 6.) What About
Birgitta Wollgard & Salut-Birgitta Wollgard & Salut 1975 Swedish Lp
Birgitta recorded for Polar
in 1970's and did
B&B approved Swedish versions of a few ABBA's
songs notably "Mamma Mia" and "Merry Go round".
Birgitta was also a background singer on ABBA'S
world tours.This album featured five B&B songs including a
Swedish versions of"I do I do I do I do I do called OM OCH OM OCH OM IGEN As well as "Merry Go round". (En Karusell)
"En Sondag i Maj"was originally a unreleased B&B
recording with the name of "Den Stora Karleen".."Att
Finnas Till "was a cover of a released B&B song.
Svenne & Lotta 2 1975? Swedish Lp Out of print
This was S&L's followup album it featured "Bang-A-Boomerang" which was originally going to be only their song, but ABBA ended up having to use their own version as well. Svenne and Lotta were not too thrilled that ABBA also released their own version of "Bang-A-Boomerang. Svenne and Lotta were not too thrilled that ABBA also released their version of "Bang-A-Boomerang". Svenne and Lotta were not too thrilled that ABBA also released their version of "Bang-A-Boomerang. Two other B&B songs were included "Roly -Poly Girl" -A English version of "Kara Gamla Sol' and Dance (while the music still goes on) B&B just mainly produced the songs they wrote on this one. This album included more 1960's oldies as well.
Bang En Boomerang (3:02)When You Walk
Into The Room (2:50)
Tell Laura I Love Her (3:03)Oh Juicy (3:37)It's My Party (3:42)Roly-Poly
Girl (Kära Gamla Sol) (2:37)Dance (While The Music
Still Goes On) (3:19)Chapel Of Love (3:05)Dream Lover (2:36)
Changes (3:34)Bang-A-Boomerang (3:02)Glad All Over
Bjorn Skifs-Schiffz Swedish lp 1975
Frida dueted with Blue Swede's lead singer Bjorn Skifs on a song called "Med Verann" -.
Like most of Frida's subsequent duets -It has not appeared on any of Frida's albums.This track can be found on Bjorn Skif's Basta CD
Various artists- -Stars Im Zeichen Eines Guten Sterns Mid to Late 1975 German Lp (includes one song by ABBA)
ABBA recorded a medley of traditional
songs for this obscure German charity album. in May 1975 .
The songs chosen were "Pick a Bale of Cotton", "On
top Of Old Smokey, and "The Midnight Special".
They recorded these songs because they
had no new material available.
Interestingingly, all the songs are in the public
domain-meaning that B&B could claim the publishing rights
to this arrangment.
The song was first widely available
as a b-side...
The track can be easily obtained on the box set. and on the remaster
of ABBA's 1975 studio album...
1. James Last Annie
2. Lars Berghagen-Aloja Oe La Paloma/Und darn ging ich zu den
3. ABBA Pick A Bale Of Cotton
On Top Of Old Smokey
Midnight Special
4. Bata Illic-Auf der Stafe zu Dir/Katjcuschka-Kalinka
5. James Last -Danny Boy/Palsir D'Amour/The House of the Rising
1. Freddy-Guantanarmera/LA Golchinna/Cileto
2. Wencke Myrhre -Triliba -Hozchuctanz/Titshc-Trsch Polka
3. Fischer Chore -Horsh, was kinnit. etc/Hetzt Koomen etc.
4. Karel Gott -Swanee River/When The Saints Go Marching In/Glory,
5. James Last -Wenn Wir heut auseinandergehn
Frida -Frida Ensam November 1975 Available on Swedish CD Remastered and reisued with bonus tracks in 2005
FRIDA ENSAM translates to Frida
but Benny produced, Björn,Benny,
and the ABBA band play on this.
ABBA manager Stig Anderson was
executive producer. The only ABBA person
who is missing is Agnetha. Aggie was otherwise occupied with her
own solo album.
Frida and Agnetha each released
language solo albums in 1975. Both FRIDA
ENSAM and Aggie's ELVA KVINNOR I ETT HUS both took a long time
to be recorded because of the time demands of ABBA.
The arrangements of the songs are as well thought out as the ABBA records of the period. This album catches Frida more confident and enthused then ever. There is very little on the first three ABBA albums that shows off her vocal talents as much as this record does.
The choice of material is quite
varied. Most of the songs seem to be covers of previously released
songs with the exception, of course, of the original Swedish version
of "Fernando" which made it's debut here.
(Frida's version was released slightly ahead of the English language
ABBA version)."Fernando" is the only B&B song on
the album.
Two of the song choices were definitely not light jazz-"Liv Pa Mars'" ( a spectacular version of David Bowie's "Life On Mars") and "Wall Street Shuffle"(a 10CC song)." Life on Mars" was drawn from Bowie's HUNKY DORY album. A few of the other songs were more akin to her PRE-ABBA song selection but are given a much more effective presentation by the increasingly tight ABBA band.
The album is uniformly excellent
but some
highlights include the ethereal "Hey Hey..' chorus in "Aldrij
Mej" , the end of "Ett Live I solen" and Frida's
high singing on "Send In the Clown'.
The front cover of this album featured Frida in a highly alluring but yet tasteful pose in a darkened room. Her hair is the medium long, dark straight hair of the Arrival era. This is one of the most successful Swedish market albums by a ABBA solo artist. It went to #1 in Sweden and sold over 100,000 copies. This album is a must have for Frida fans!
Track listing for FRIDA ENSAM (all songs sung in Swedish)
Fernando (Swedish version)
Jag Är Mig Själv Nu
Som En Sparv
Vill Du Låna En Man
Liv På Mars? (Life on Mars)
Aldrig Mej
Guld Och Gröna Ängar
Ett Liv I Solen
Skulle De' Va' Skönt
Var Är Min Clown (Send in the Clowns)
Bonus tracks on 2005 reissue
12. Man vill ju leva lite dessemellan( non-album a-side)
13. Ska man skratta eller gråta (non-album b -side)
Agnetha Fältskog-Elva Kvinnor I ett Hus rel. December 1975 Swedish Lp Remastered and reissued as part of box set in 2004
Often regarded as Agnetha's best studio album. It's certainly the album that she put the most effort into. Aggie produced the album ( remember this is 1975 when woman did not generally produce their own records) and she wrote most of the music, Bosse Carlgren wrote lyrics based on themes and dummy lyrics put together for the songs by Agnetha.
The album title translates to
"Eleven Woman in One Building". An actual Stockholm
building was pictured on the back cover. Each of the 11 songs
tells the story of
one of the eleven woman living in the building pictured on the
cover. This includes the Swedish versions of two Abba tracks-"SOS"
and "Disillusion"(known here as "Mina Ogon")
Also included here is "Gulleput" a Swedish version of "Golliwog" . "Golliwog" was the B-side of 1974 non-album single "Here For Your Love' ." Here for you love" was the Engish version of "Tio Mil Kvar Till Korpilombolo" . "...Korp..." was released released as a non-album B-side in 1973. .Yes, it can all be very confusing.
Some of the more memorable tracks on ELVA are "Doktorn" which has a beat and you can dance to it: " Dar Hom Glut" and the lovely "Tacks for Underwear". Actually .the real title of that last one is "Tack For En Underbar van lig Dag" .The album closes interestingly with "Visa i attonde manaden " (Song in the Eight Month).
Strangely, ELVA hasn't been released on Cd yet..Michael Tretow engineered this, but the other ABBA members had very little to do with this album.
Strangely, this album hasn't been
reissued on it's own
on CD as of yet. It did get released on CD as part of box set
of Agnetha's first 5 solo albums that was released in 2004/ CD
buyers can also find some of the tracks from on this album on
the Tio AR MED, and My LOVE, MY LIFE CD's.
Track listing
S.O.S. /En
egen trädgård/ Tack för en underbar, vanlig dag/
Gulleplutt /Är du som han?
/ Och han väntar
på mig /Doktorn! /Mina ögon /Dom har glömt /Var
det med dej? /
Visa i åttonde månaden /
ABBA-BEST OF November 1975 Australian LP (Released in Eastern Australia in February 1976)
Though not strictly part
of the ABBA canon,
BEST OF (the first ABBA compilation album) is an important record
in the history of ABBA. BEST OF was released in Australia and
a few other territories. During it's intial chart run in Australia
this album sold 860,000 copies . Australia had a population of
14 million at the time. This was unprecedentated rate of markert
penetration. Abbamania struck Australia with a vengence that would
not die down for two years. ABBA fervor was never this extreme
anywhere else, though ABBA occasionally had similiarly high markert
penetration in other territories. Abba was so popular in Australia
that a backlash developed
and after 1977 ABBA would be less popular in Australia than in
many other territories.
The track listing for BEST OF was similiar to, but not the same
as the subsequent GREATEST HITS album. GREATEST HITS would be
released in Sweden, and thus was
officially part of the ABBA canon! Greatest Hits was released
in 1976 in much of the world (including the US and Great Britain).
Unlike Greatest Hits, BEST
Of had "Hasta Manana'', but BEST OF didn't have "He
Is Your Brother, Another Town, Another Train, or Fernando'. (The
RING RING album was made available in Australia so there was less
of a need for RING RING tracks to be on THE BEST OF album. )
The "Fernando" single hadn't been released when BEST
OF came out.
So when, "Fernando' was released in 1976, it became ABBA
's biggest selling
Australian single. In Australia ,"Fernando" ended up
being placed on the ARRIVAL album. But, most territories would
"Fernando' on the GREATEST HITS album.
, Side 1: Waterloo; Ring Ring; Honey, Honey; Mamma Mia;
People Need Love; Nina, Pretty Ballerina
Side 2: I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do; SOS; Dance (While
The Music Still Goes On); Bang-A-Boomerang; Hasta Mañana;
So Long
ABBA-Greatest Hits November 1975 in Sweden /Early 1976 elsewhere Reisued on CD
This was only ABBA's third album released in many parts of the world and it would come only 22 months after their Eurovision victory with "Waterloo". It was released in late 1975 in Sweden,but in early 1976 most other places.
Although a GREATEST HITS collection might have seemed premature, with "Fernando" ABBA was already releasing it's eleventh song that was a hit somewhere.(some songs were hits in different territories.)
In Sweden and a few other territories , the
cover featured a green/bluish drawing of the members of ABBA as
animal life.
In the rest of the world the cover would feature a now famous
of the two ABBA couples. Benny and Frida-
the unmarried couple were kissing, Agnetha
and Björn ,the married couple ,were being distant to each
GREATEST HITS featured five songs from
the RING RING album, three songs from the WATERLOO album
and five songs drawn from ABBA.
GREATEST HITS had only one new song
the legendary "Fernando" . "Fernando" was
ABBA's first successful ballad hit. It had been originally written
in Swedish for the FRIDA ENSAM album, but a English language version
with both Frida & Agnetha singing was prepared for release
by ABBA. The song seems both over exposed and fresh at the same
time. The intro and flute still can bring chills to the spine.
The special intro helped made this first ABBA song to exceed
four minutes in length.
During the songwriting process, "Fernando "had emerged
as a Swedish tango ,but had soon developed a ersatz Mexican feel.
The chorus to the song is probably the ABBA hit that is easiest
to sing along to.
The earliest versions of GREATEST HITS in Sweden didn't have
"Fernando" ,but
all the later pressings did. Sadly, with the release of ABBA Gold,
GREATEST HITS has been phased out.
track listing for ABBA's Greatest Hits
SOS He Is Your Brother Ring Ring Hasta Manana(not in most territories) Nina Preety Ballerina Honey Honey So Long |
I Do,I Do,I Do,I Do,I Do,I Do People Need Love Bang-A-Boomerang Another Town, Another Train Mammia Mia Dance (While the music still goes on) Waterloo Fernando (on later additions) |
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