In Liechtenstein September
Liechtenstein sep 22 m Schann
I wondered into Liechtenstein on a sunny Monday.To
go there using the train involved traveling to Zurich from Salzburg,connecting from there on a train to Buchs, Switz. Then
walking into Liechtenstein from there. This was the first time I had ever crossed a unguarded international boundary (this
was before the EEC had fully implemented some of the loosening of internal EEC borders.)It wasn't a particularly busy border-Liechtenstein
is a very small country-the size of Washington, Dc. It was a valley and a piece of a hill on one side of the valley. You could
almost see the whole country. The hostel was in Schann a village, in the northern part of the country, not far from Buchs.
It was an attractive,modern, fun hostel. I met a number of people there notably a Canadian named Tom Wolf. As usual I didn't
do much-whilst there-I did take a walk updown the road and up a hill, . decided not climb to the top of the hill, cos of time
constraints--it was getting late. Aside
from that minor difficulty, the trip to Liechtenstein was unstressful and a good time...perhaps simply because the weather
was good.
September 1986
Italy sep 23 t Milan On Tuesday
morning I went into the capital Vaduz and visited the postal museum and bought some stamps. Then somehow I found my
way out of this little Liechtenstein and took the train to Milan.I probably should have stayed another day. I got
to Milan kind of late -it was dark when i got to the hostel- which had a strange 1960's design.
Italy sep 24 w Florence I started the
day in Milan-I went to see the Last Supper. I actually I encountered a beggar a lady and her daughter accosting people
at the Last Supper. The last supper was unimpressive well it was situated poorly, the painting was being restored.
Their was a high admission charge to see it. There were only two paintings at the church vestibule that it was located
in. I also took the subway across town to see Milan's Duomo and then proceeded to take the train to Florence The
train ride was unpleasant-the train was crowded -so I actually standing much of the way. I nto Florence later in the
day, and so I had a little more trouble finding accommodations.
Italy sep 25 t Florence There were
numerous things to see in Florence mostly Renaissance Art. Accordingly, I visited Bargello, Santa Croce, Duomo on Tuesday.
Italy sep 26 f Florence Uffizi Gallery,
visa trouble, I climbed Giotto's bell tower. I went to dinner with two Americans Clyde and Rob. at
some point here i also saw David at the Academy.
Italy sep 27 s Florence
Went to Cathedral museum which had all the valuable art work
from Florence's Duomo. I went to Florence's central FOOD market to get grossed out. I took a train ride
to visit Siena but didn't have to time to walk into the center of town from the distant rail station-
I considered going to Pisa but apparently it was even further away. I kind of regretted not going to see leaning tower of
various-sep 28 s night train Traveling
across Europe could be time consuming., Supposedly I went through Basel,Switzerland on this trip from Florence to
Den Haag.
September-October 1986
Netherlands sep29 m den Haag I still
had to get a visa to get into France -so I could take a boat to Ireland..and so I could come back to France to take the
plane home...I decided to pursue that visa in the Netherlands instead of waiting another few days in Florence.I had to
get new visa photos cos i misplaced the visa photos I had taken in Florence. I went to the Hague cos I assumed the
France consulate would be there-but it turned out that the consulate was in Rotterdam....Not a big deal -Rotterdam was
short train ride away-so I decided to stay in the Hague for a few days. Met Willie and others at the hostel
in Den Haag which was not in the center of town.
Netherlands sep 30 t den Haag I Visited
Madurodam-the world's coolest miniature town- and the state parliament.
Netherlands oct 1 w den Haag I Walked
Kijkduin which was a beach located on the North Sea in Den Haag.
Netherlands oct 2 t rotterdam For some
reason I decided to move to rotterdam-perhaps to get another Dutch city in.... Saw Rotterdam cubes houses and went
to library.
various-oct3 f train In the morning
i visited Rotterdam's Euromast,and a nearby park-i then proceeded to take the train from Rotterdam to Paris
and then from Paris to Cherbourg.
various -oct4 s boat I arrived in
Rosslare and spent some time around cliffs and musing philosophically , Talked with Armin and family. I had met
Armin on the boat -he was a German who decided to move to Ireland.
various countries -oct4 sat boat
On Saturday morning , I transferred for the train to Cherbourg. I had to transfer mid route on to the Cherbourg
line-and at the stop I got into a conversation with a cigarette smoking French girl who was waiting for the train going
the opposite direction back to Paris. When I arrived in Cherbourg I walked to the boat terminal from the train station.
I waited a little time in the waiting room to get on the boat. In the boat wailing room, I got my boarding pass....
I did not have reservations because could not get them from a travel agent. In the Cherbourg boat waiting room a little
girl tried to change coin at the bureau de change and the clerk gave her a disgusted look. How could the little girl know
that there was usually a minimum exchange amount and that coins were usually not accepted? In the waiting room I
met a German man named Armand. We had a short discussion while sitting in the dark waiting room. By the late afternoon
I was on the ferryboat from Cherbourg to Rosslare Harbour, Ireland. Passage on the boat was an added benefit of my Eurail
pass. I only had to pay for accommodations (such as they were). Flying or taking a boat from England was not an option
on my limited budget. The disadvantage of using this method of transport was that I would have to go back to France and
that I had spend a whole day on the boat. The boat was typically Irish at the time...not overly fancy, not well kept
up. The best thing about the boat was that I did not get sick. My four- bed cabin was buried deep in the bowels of the
ship...the smell and sounds of the engine room were nearby. The two journeys on the boat merge in my mind. The boat was
big enough so there was some room to walk outside ... it was there that I encountered Armand again and had another conversation
with him. I also spent some time sitting inside by a window eating cereal and reading and writing. I didn't have much
money so I did not take much advantage of whatever amenities the boat had.
Ireland oct5 sun Rosslare I woke up
on the boat, and the highlight of the morning was a sonic boom from a overhead supersonic jet. I came into Rosslare
Harbour after getting off the boat from France.. It had been 11 years since I was last in Ireland... I had never been to Rosslare
before. The port was really not much of port. There was lots of dirt...There was some construction going indicating that
there would expansion in the future. Seemingly, the harbour was just used for the ferry to France. As I was leaving
the boat -I was stopped by Armand yet again. This time I met his family. They were hanging out in their VW bus drinking
coffee. I visited for time with them and then went off into the town to find the hostel, the town was not very large...there
wasn't much to do there. I had to wait for the hostel to open and while i waited I did a long walk along the cliffs
that lined the southern shore. There was something of a cliff path and whilst walking on it-I mused into my tape recorder
about my life. I stayed in Rosslare because it had hostel accommodations, and .The train and boat schedules were not
well synchronized and so I had to wait around the next morning for the train to Dublin. The hostel was sparse though;
it had nice thick comforters on the bed..
Ireland oct6 m Dublin I spent morning
in Rosslare Harbour waiting for the train to leave for Dublin. I went to the small grocery store, went to the bank (or
maybe it was closed...) and walked by a hotel. . Waiting for the train seemed rather inefficient but there was a couple
waiting as well. I was not the only one waiting... That evening I spent in Dublin's main hostel.
Ireland oct7 t Dublin I found Dublin
uninteresting but I did I visit the Irish museum and tried to shop.
Ireland oct8 w Killarney Of the destinations
we visited in 1975, Paris, Salzburg, Dublin and Killarney were the only places, I returned to in 1986. When we went in
75 , Killarney was one of the more rural experiences we had so I returned there, but I also went there in 86 cos it
was on the rail line. So there were places in Killarney that felt familiar. When traveling Ireland solely by train you
were limited to some of the less scenic destinations. In Killarney they actually bring a bus to the train station to bring
you out to the hostel. The hostel was in Agadoe ,which was also the location of the hotel we stayed at in 75. It was
a big old mansion house, with interesting staff and large mosquito like flies in the bathroom...
Ireland oct9 th Killarney I went biking
in Killarney-the hostel had bikes you could rent..I biked down to the National Park... This was my first chance to bike
in Ireland since 1975...First I biked to the library ...I biked on the East side of the Big Lake, and then down by Muckross
Lake, I got off the bike and took a walk, going by a burned out area, and over a overgrown bridge. I walked as far as could-but eventually
ran into some mud. That was cos this was a wetland connected to the lakes. Going that far in the park it felt wild -you couldn't
see any civilization. Traveling without a car combined with going to so many places was inefficient and so really good
days like this one were not a every day occurrence.
Ireland oct 10f Dublin On this day
I took the train back to Dublin from Killarney.

This is the Howth section of Dublin |

I took the Dart train to Howth |

Howth and the view of Ireland's Eye |
Ireland oct 11s Glendalough I started
the morning in Dublin and decided to take a Dart ride to Howth. I had never heard of Howth and was surprised by how attractive
it was. When I returned to Europe 12 years later -this was the first place i went. I came into Glendalough in the late
afternoon.... I took the train to Rathnew It meant that I would be more than five miles away from Glendalough when I
got off the train. However, if there was another way to get there i would have had to pay for it I had purposely though
taken a chance ... after having discussed hitchhiking with some folks in the hostel in Dublin. In Ireland hitchhiking
was relatively safe. Saw iI walked down the road through the avondale valley in search of a lift. I was probably a couple
miles down the road before I got one, a man with some lumber in a pickup truck who was heading to Laragh I helped
unload his lumber, and he gave me some vegetables. It was a slight walk from Laragh to Glendalough... I neglected to book
a room ahead in the hostel and was nearly stuck without a place to stay. The hostel had a youth bike tour party. But
the warden let me stay anyway. The hostel was seemingly a normal house., albeit with a large building to the left that
housed most of the hosteliers. The bike tour party made things more interesting, they had a slide show and were energetic.
I didn't really talk to any of them...That evening i walked a little bit up the hill behind the hostel- towards the
end of sunset...and was rewarded with a beautiful view to the west of the trees climbing cama derry. It was one of those
narcotic moments that make you hungry for more. I not sure if got food in the small store in Laragh. But if i didn't i
got some ham and cookies the next day.
Ireland Oct12s Glendalough
The next day I walked up the mountain that was behind and
to the north of the monastery area. It turned out to be called Camaderry. It was a simple mountain though it seemed
to go on forever like most mountains...I wanted to go near the trees I saw but they surrounded by brush -and so i didn't get
to near them. At the top of mountain there were natural dugout depressions. Like many a hill-you couldn't really to see
the bottom, once you were on the top. I came down the mountain from the westerly direction. There were sheep and other
creatures on this side of the mountain. Perhaps this was someone's property. The ground was occasionally moist. There
were lots of droppings from the animals. In the distance I saw a water tower-which I wanted to go to-but didn't have time
that day. On the way down I went by two sets of mine ruins and a considerable number of mountain goats.
Ireland oct 13m Glendalough The next
day was a pretty much wasted day-it was overcast and Kept expecting it to rain-So I didn't go up to the water tower like
I should of- instead i aimlessly walked around Glendalough and over to Laragh I hung out in Laragh ,and walked a little
up the road as far a monument.I also walked over to the monastery and into Laragh. The bike party had left by the second
night...There was only a couple and there child the second day-it was very cold in the hostel. I had to sleep with the
covers over me!
Ireland oct 14t sligo Spent the early
morning in Glendalough and had once to hitch part of the way back to the Rathnew and then a took a time consuming bus to Dublin..and
then headed up to Dublin and from there into Sligo. I didn't get to Sligo till dark-and had a little trouble finding
accommodation but i ended up at a at a guesthouse called the Four Seasons. Bizarrely, I originally actually considered going
to Galway-(just to get another city in.)But after a conversation, with the lady proprietor of the Four Seasons, i decided
to stay.She mentioned Strand Hill and I also thought of it-i had wondered what the mound on the top of the hill in the
distance was-when I went for a walk outside in the morning over to the river.After seeing some children play I returned
to the hotel and then took a bus out to Strand Hill.Right away, it was obvious to me, that the place was special. The bus
driver got out of the bus and went down to the beach, and got his feet wet. I too walked the beach-I walked over towards
the airport and through the dunes,eventually I encountered a passage grave and a old church. While walking the beach
I felt my mother's presence-and I cried in happiness. In the late afternoon , I climbed up Knocknerea the hill with the
mound on top. I walked to the south side of it.- to find the trail to the top. From the top you could see along way.I
was coming down the mountain just as last return bus was leaving. I walked the five miles back to town. It got dark-and
so on occasion it was little dangerous-but I enjoyed the walk nonetheless. This was one of the best days of my life...
Ireland oct 15w sligo The second day
in Sligo was a bit of anticlimax-It was overcast. I walked down to the Lough Gill. Although the lake is the subject
of poetry-it didn't do much for me.. On my walk I narrated a convoluted story of an imaginary character named John Latino.
The story wasn't very good- although I did do funny voices. The tape kept cutting in and out-due to the voice activated
system on the tape machine.
Ireland oct 16t Dublin Took the train
back to Dublin...This was My last full day in Ireland. I stayed once again in the Dublin ...Did some shopping...I got
some salt shakers for Mike and Jack.
Ireland oct 17f boat I found my way
back from Dublin to Rosslare and to the boat.
France oct 18s Cherbourg I started
the morning on a ferry taking me to Cherbourg...And then upon arrival decided to stay at the Cherbourg hostel. a bad
France oct 19s Paris I started the
day in the Cherbourg hostel. I thought that i could get a early train to Paris, but the early train did not run on Sundays..
By the time I got to the airport my plane had left-and i didn't have the right plane. So I ended up being stuck
in of least favorite places in Europe. It felt like I did nothing in the six days there, but I did find
things to do. I ended staying at D'Artagen Hostel in some strange section of town. This was the only time I spent six
nights in a row in the same town at any time I have ever been to Europe.
France oct 20m Paris Spoke with people
at ticket office...A little depressed at being unable to go home.
France oct 21 t Paris Tried to map
a subway station. Visited Sacre Cour church.
France oct 22 w Paris Les Halles, Went
inside Pompideui Center this time. Finally in a better mood-
France oct 23 t Paris I went to a consulate
and checked on my visa. There were all sorts of visa problems in France due to recent terrorist attacks...
France oct 24f Paris I Went inside
the Arc de triomphe and visited bois boyne park, a large park in the west side of Paris. France oct 25
s Paris I Did dry run on trip to airport... That evening-I recall walking outside the hostel in the dark and noticing
how cold and windy it is becoming,
France oct 26 s in air Paris to Zurich , Zurich
to NYC, NYC TO BOSTON Early in the morning I took a commuter train to Orly Airport. The plane stopped in the airport
at Zurich for a hour or two and then the plane proceeded back to JFK airport in NYC.. On the way on the plane, I heard
about the latest RED SOX debacle. They were a couple of strikes away from winning the World Series but ended up losing
the game. Spent evening early morning in Penn Station Train Station, waiting for the Night Owl train to take me
back to Boston...
USA oct 27 M Got off at South Station
in Boston. took the Red Line to Central Station and then walked groggily to Jimmy's apartment in Cambridge...

Knocknerea in Strand Hill near Sligo in Ireland...
the next page -John's Europa 1998-British Isles & Scandinavia